Monday, June 28, 2010

Green Day

This plastic bag cost you 20 longer free!!

Previously, this thing may not cross our mind. we used to shop & hardly see Malaysian brings own bag to fill their groceries. Now, the atmosphere may change with new 'regulatory'. ahaks

friend of mine told me; every saturday (applicable in Selangor : other place,i dont know) you need to bring your own plastic bag/bag to sumbat all the barang2 you buy..otherwise, need to pay extra 20cents for provided plastic bag..awesome! (I've been charged 40cents for plastic bag last week-just knew 'bout this rules)

Im not opposing this rules ya! has my full support.


<<< I have this bag!..urmm, kena cari balik beg ni...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Entri Pertama 2010

Setahun lepas punya beriya-iya nk menulis, dah tulis, stop lak...komitmen lain buat aku tak sempat nak coret entri baru..sekarang bukan kata agak rilex tp aku curi masa..menulis pun perlukan komitmen ye!..jangan lepaskan batuk kat tangga je (pesanan untuk aku jua)..

YESSS...entri pertama untuk tahun 2010
p/s: banyak benda berlaku semenjak temporary retired menulis ni..akan diceritakan kemudian